Take a look at some of our past projects!

Take a drive around central PA, and you’re sure to see our work!  Whether it’s a commercial, residential, agricultural, or environmental project, we’re proud to show what Watson Excavating can accomplish.

Take a look at some of our past projects!

Take a drive around central PA, and you’re sure to see our work!  Whether it’s a commercial, residential, agricultural, or environmental project, we’re proud to show what Watson Excavating can accomplish.


This project was located at Blaise Alexander Ford on route 45 in Lewisburg Pa. This project included demo and land clearing along with cut and fill for new parking areas. We tied into the sanitary sewer from the new show room and grease trap. With the new parking, we had to extend the existing sanitary man hole up to grade. Rock lined slopes behind much of the parking were installed along with gabion baskets as well. Storm water inlets and piping were installed including two underground basins and a rain garden. These basins were constructed by cutting to subgrade, adding geotec fabric and crushed stone followed by the inlets and piping. We also trenched and augured for the light standards in the parking areas. 2A stone was used to prep for curb and pavement subgrade.


This project was a full site development. We imported fill to elevate the site to sub-grade, placed topsoil and prepped for seeding/sod. We installed the storm water collection system and retention basin. The utilities included extending the 8″ water main onto the site and service into the building and setting a grinder station and sewer force main. We also placed the stone sub-base and prepped for pavement.


To start this project, we demolished the existing residential house and cleared the trees along Rt. 15 to open the site up to the road. This project involved full site services including cut and fill for the building pad, installation of swales, storm inlets and retention basins. We performed all the building footer excavation and placement of stone for the concrete slab. We placed stone to prep for walks, curbing, and pavement.

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